Saturday, 20 July 2013


Omg! I love these things and they are called Souldolls. They are just so enchanting and they look so real! Here are some of my favorite ones.
Gana (Favorite)

Do you like them? Want to look at more? Here is the link:

Miss Pickle

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Do you have any weird obsessions?

Do you have any weird obsessions? I do. I have FIVE!!!!!! I'll tell you.

  1. Adventure Time
  2. Harry Potter
  3. Lord Of The Ring
  4. Manga
  5. Drawing
Well I guess they aren't that weird. OOOOOOH! I HAVE ONE MORE!!!

6. Kawaii

Sorry totally forgot that one. If you have any obsessions tell me in the comment box!

Miss Pickle

Saturday, 20 April 2013


Omg, I found these today and I just HAD to put it on the blog! These homemade marshmallow ropes are fun and there is a video on how to make them. You can find this on.... ! I havent made these yet but I am planning on making them.

Thursday, 18 April 2013


Bonjour everyone! My name is Miss Pickle and I am also known as.... "THE NERDY KAWAII AWSOME KITTEN!!!!!!" No, actually I'm never called that. I wish I was though! Anyways, this blog is about nerdyness, kawaii and basicly everything that is awesome. 

Hope you enjoy it!

Miss Pickle ^-^